[Twisted-web] Re: How to configure quixote rtl?

Craig H. Anderson craig at coot.net
Fri Jun 11 09:06:14 MDT 2004

If I read just a little further on
I see the examples I need.  In my case I will be processing xxx.rtl files. 

Modifying File Resources 

File resources, be they root object or children thereof, have two important 
attributes that often need to be modified: indexNames and processors. 
indexNames determines which files are treated as index files -- served up 
when a directory is rendered. processors determine how certain file 
extensions are treated. 

Here is an example for both, creating a site where all .rpy extensions are 
Resource Scripts, and which renders directories by searching for a index.rpy 

from twisted.application import internet, service
from twisted.web import static, server, script 

root = static.File("/var/www/htdocs")
root.processors = {'.rpy': script.ResourceScript}
application = service.Application('web')
sc = service.IServiceCollection(application)
site = server.Site(root)
i = internet.TCPServer(80, site)

File objects also have a method called ignoreExt. This method can be used to 
give extension-less URLs to users, so that implementation is hidden. Here is 
an example: 

from twisted.application import internet, service
from twisted.web import static, server, script 

root = static.File("/var/www/htdocs")
root.processors = {'.rpy': script.ResourceScript}
application = service.Application('web')
sc = service.IServiceCollection(application)
site = server.Site(root)
i = internet.TCPServer(80, site)

Now, a URL such as /foo might be served from a Resource Script called 
foo.rpy, if no file by the name of foo exists. 


Craig H. Anderson writes: 

> Greetings,  
> I would like to do some custom configuration and setup
> ResourceTemplate handling of xxx.rtl files.  I'm thinking
> I can modify the following code to add the ResourceTemplate
> handling.  I will be working on this today and will post
> what I find and check for any advice you may have.  
> http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/howto/using-twistedweb
> Advanced Configuration
> Non-trivial configurations of Twisted Web are achieved
> with Python configuration files.
> #---------------------------------------
> from twisted.application import internet, service
> from twisted.web import static, server  
> root = static.File("/var/www/htdocs")
> application = service.Application('web')
> site = server.Site(root)
> sc = service.IServiceCollection(application)
> i = internet.TCPServer(80, site)
> i.setServiceParent(sc)  
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