[Twisted-Python] Conch SFTP Questions

Adi Roiban adi at roiban.ro
Tue Sep 22 13:56:37 MDT 2020

Hi Robers

On Tue, 22 Sep 2020 at 16:43, Robert DiFalco <robert.difalco at gmail.com>

> Hey folks, I've cobbled together an SFTP client based on bits and pieces
> I've found around the web. The issue is that it appears to be almost one
> shot. I will need to send many files (the number not known ahead of time).
> It's not clear to me when the connection is closed or how many factories
> I'm creating. All the code I've grabbed looks like it's creating a new
> factory for every SFTP file I send. Here's some of the code I have. It's
> fairly straight forward in that it creates a directory if it doesn't exist
> and then writes a file.
> @attr.s(frozen=True)
> class FileInfo(object):
>     """
>     Class that tells SFTP details about the file to send.
>     """
>     directory = attr.ib(converter=str)  # type: str
>     name = attr.ib(converter=str)  # type: str
>     data = attr.ib()  # type: str
>     chunk_size = attr.ib(converter=int, default=CHUNK_SIZE)  # type: int
>     def to_path(self):
>         """
>         Turns the folder and file name into a file path.
>         """
>         return self.directory + "/" + self.name
> @attr.s(frozen=True)
> class SFTPClientOptions(object):
>     """
>     Client options for sending SFTP files.
>     :param host: the host of the SFTP server
>     :param port: the port ofo the SFTP server
>     :param fingerprint: the expected fingerprint of the host
>     :param user: the user to login as
>     :param identity: the identity file, optional and like the "-i" command line option
>     :param password: an optional password
>     """
>     host = attr.ib(converter=str)  # type: str
>     port = attr.ib(converter=int)  # type: int
>     fingerprint = attr.ib(converter=str)  # type: str
>     user = attr.ib(converter=str)  # type: str
>     identity = attr.ib(converter=optional(str), default=None)  # type: Optional[str]
>     password = attr.ib(converter=optional(str), default=None)  # type: Optional[str]
> @inlineCallbacks
> def sftp_send(client_options, file_info):
>     # type: (SFTPClientOptions, FileInfo)->Deferred
>     """
>     Primary function to send an file over SFTP. You can send a password, identity, or both.
>     :param client_options: the client connection options
>     :param file_info: contains the file info to write
>     :return: A deferred that signals "OK" if successful.
>     """
>     options = ClientOptions()
>     options["host"] = client_options.host
>     options["port"] = client_options.port
>     options["password"] = client_options.password
>     options["fingerprint"] = client_options.fingerprint
>     if client_options.identity:
>         options.identitys = [client_options.identity]
>     conn = SFTPConnection()
>     auth = SFTPUserAuthClient(client_options.user, options, conn)
>     yield connect(client_options.host, client_options.port, options, _verify_host_key, auth)
>     sftpClient = yield conn.getSftpClientDeferred()
>     yield _send_file(sftpClient, file_info)
>     returnValue("OK")
> def _verify_host_key(transport, host, pubKey, fingerprint):
>     """
>     Verify a host's key. Based on what is specified in options.
>     @param host: Due to a bug in L{SSHClientTransport.verifyHostKey}, this is
>     always the dotted-quad IP address of the host being connected to.
>     @type host: L{str}
>     @param transport: the client transport which is attempting to connect to
>     the given host.
>     @type transport: L{SSHClientTransport}
>     @param fingerprint: the fingerprint of the given public key, in
>     xx:xx:xx:... format.
>     @param pubKey: The public key of the server being connected to.
>     @type pubKey: L{str}
>     @return: a L{Deferred} which is success or error
>     """
>     expected = transport.factory.options.get("fingerprint", "no_fingerprint")
>     if fingerprint == expected:
>         return succeed(1)
>     log.error(
>         "SSH Host Key fingerprint of ({fp}) does not match the expected value of ({expected}).",
>         fp=fingerprint, expected=expected)
>     return fail(ConchError("Host fingerprint is unexpected."))
> class SFTPSession(SSHChannel):
>     """
>     Creates an SFTP session.
>     """
>     name = "session"
>     @inlineCallbacks
>     def channelOpen(self, whatever):
>         """
>         Called when the channel is opened.  "whatever" is any data that the
>         other side sent us when opening the channel.
>         @type whatever: L{bytes}
>         """
>         yield self.conn.sendRequest(self, "subsystem", NS("sftp"), wantReply=True)
>         client = FileTransferClient()
>         client.makeConnection(self)
>         self.dataReceived = client.dataReceived
>         self.conn.notifyClientIsReady(client)
> class SFTPConnection(SSHConnection):
>     def __init__(self):
>         """
>         Adds a deferred here so client can add a callback when the SFTP client is ready.
>         """
>         SSHConnection.__init__(self)
>         self._sftpClient = Deferred()
>     def serviceStarted(self):
>         """
>         Opens an SFTP session when the SSH connection has been started.
>         """
>         self.openChannel(SFTPSession())
>     def notifyClientIsReady(self, client):
>         """
>         Trigger callbacks associated with our SFTP client deferred. It's ready!
>         """
>         self._sftpClient.callback(client)
>     def getSftpClientDeferred(self):
>         return self._sftpClient
> class SFTPUserAuthClient(SSHUserAuthClient):
>     """
>     Twisted Conch doesn't have a way of getting a password. By default it gets it from stdin. This allows it
>     to be retrieved from options instead.
>     """
>     def getPassword(self, prompt = None):
>         """
>         Get the password from the client options, is specified.
>         """
>         if "password" in self.options:
>             return succeed(self.options["password"])
>         return SSHUserAuthClient.getPassword(self, prompt)
> @inlineCallbacks
> def _send_file(client, file_info):
>     # type: (FileTransferClient, FileInfo) -> Deferred
>     """
>     Creates a directory if required and then creates the file.
>     :param client: the SFTP client to use
>     :param file_info: contains file name, directory, and data
>     """
>     try:
>         yield client.makeDirectory(file_info.directory, {})
>     except SFTPError as e:
>         # In testing on various system, either a 4 or an 11 will indicate the directory
>         # already exist. We are fine with that and want to continue if it does. If we misinterpreted
>         # error code here we are probably still ok since we will just get the more systemic error
>         # again on the next call to openFile.
>         if e.code != 4 and e.code != 11:
>             raise e
>     f = yield client.openFile(file_info.to_path(), FXF_WRITE | FXF_CREAT | FXF_TRUNC, {})
>     try:
>         yield _write_chunks(f, file_info.data, file_info.chunk_size)
>     finally:
>         yield f.close()
> @inlineCallbacks
> def _write_chunks(f, data, chunk_size):
>     # type: (ClientFile, str, int) -> Deferred
>     """
>     Convenience function to write data in chunks
>     :param f: the file to write to
>     :param data: the data to write
>     :param chunk_size: the chunk size
>     """
>     for offset in range(0, len(data), chunk_size):
>         chunk = data[offset: offset + chunk_size]
>         yield f.writeChunk(offset, chunk)
> It gets called like this:
> return sftp.sftp_send(
>     client_options=SFTPClientOptions(
>         host=self.options.host,
>         port=self.options.port,
>         user=self.options.user,
>         fingerprint=self.options.fingerprint,
>         identity=getattr(self.options, "identity", None),
>         password=self._getPassword()),
>     file_info=sftp.FileInfo(
>         directory=self.options.directory,
>         name=fileName,
>         data=data,
>         chunk_size=getattr(self.options, "chunkSize", sftp.CHUNK_SIZE)))
> But I supposed I'd like to see something more like this:
> sftpClient = self.getSftpClient(
>     client_options=SFTPClientOptions(
>         host=self.options.host,
>         port=self.options.port,
>         user=self.options.user,
>         fingerprint=self.options.fingerprint,
>         identity=getattr(self.options, "identity", None),
>         password=self._getPassword()))
> return sftpClient.send(
>     file_info=sftp.FileInfo(
>         directory=self.options.directory,
>         name=fileName,
>         data=data,
>         chunk_size=getattr(self.options, "chunkSize", sftp.CHUNK_SIZE)))
> Where sftpClient reuses the existing SSH connection if it is active
> (rather than logging in each time). But maybe the sftp service doesn't
> multiplex so I have to create a new SSHClientFactory every time I want to
> send a distinct file?
> Sorry for all the questions, new to twisted and a bit confused. Thanks!
> Robert
> It would help to have the full code...maybe a gist or repo.
I am not sure what `connect` from `yield connect(client_options.host,
client_options.port, options, _verify_host_key, auth)` is.

You will need to understand the low-level Twisted connection API and
implement a reconnecting factory.

When a new client-side connection is made, Twisted will use a factory to
create the protocol/code used to handle that connection,
You will then need to hook into the connectionLost method and do an
auto-connection if the connection is lost (when you were not expecting it).


For my project, I am doing in this way:

I have my own subclass of FileTransferClient which overwrites the default
FileTransferClient,connectionLost method.
With that, I am notified when the SFTP subsystem was closed and I can then
trigger a new connection


If you want to reuse an SFTP session for multiple operations just reuse the
`sftpClient` instance that you got to trigger multiple operations

sftpClient = yield conn.getSftpClientDeferred()
for file_info in list_of_files_to_send:
    yield _send_file(sftpClient, file_info)


Hope it helps

Adi Roiban
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