[Twisted-Python] Only run Azure, Travis, or CircleCI if GitHub actions pass

Adi Roiban adi at roiban.ro
Sat Sep 19 18:27:04 MDT 2020

On Sat, 19 Sep 2020 at 21:30, Craig Rodrigues <rodrigc at crodrigues.org>

> Adi,
> Is it possible to configure the CI so that
> Azure, Travis and CircleCI only runs if GitHub actions pass?
> For example here:
> https://github.com/twisted/twisted/runs/1137175269
> *Azure Pipelines* and *Travis* should only run if the GitHub actions pass.
I think that is partially possible...but complicated.

My question: Why does Twisted need Azure Pipelines (sharing infastructure
with GihutActions), Travis-CI and Circle-Ci.

Why can't Twisted just use GitHub actions?

You can trigger one GitHub action workflow from another workflow, or
everything as depende jobs inside one workflow.

GitHub Action API is pretty good. I was able to implement a quick hack
which sends a diff to GitHub and executes a test without a commit,
just like Builbot Try [3].
I don't know how to implement something similar with Travis or Circle-Ci.


Travis-CI builds can be triggered over the  HTTP API [1]...but I feel that
implementing it is complicated.
There should be a dedicated token... which should be created by a person,
and then stored as a secret in GttHub Actions.

I don't know how to trigger Circle-CI .. here is some info here [2] but
looks like it will be deprecated

I don't know how to trigger Azure Pipelines. but I guess that at some point
MS will kill Azure Pipelines

[1] https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/triggering-builds/
[2] https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/api-job-trigger/
[3] https://asciinema.org/a/nn1U7FLtbyWm57b0dT7U5sKD0
Adi Roiban
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