[Twisted-Python] Black enabled in trunk

Kyle Altendorf sda at fstab.net
Tue Sep 15 08:26:12 MDT 2020

On 2020-09-14 13:43, Glyph wrote:

>> On Sep 13, 2020, at 11:45 PM, Tom Most <twm at freecog.net> wrote:
>> To adjust the formatting:
>> tox -e black-reformat
>> The formatting is checked by a new GitHub Actions lint built.
> Could we possibly use something like this:
> https://github.com/cclauss/autoblack
> to just _do_ the formatting rather than "check" if it's correct?  PR 
> templates are all well and good but the best checklist item is the one 
> that's already checked off...

It might be worthwhile but I think there is some downside to CI 
frequently injecting commits (or amending them).

>> Inevitably, changes like this cause conflicts. For small PRs it's 
>> easiest to merge forward and then run tox -e black-reformat. For 
>> larger ones it can help to apply formatting before merge. To do this:
>> * Run black on the files your branch changes (be sure to use Black 
>> 20.8b1, not an older version)
>> * Commit the result, like `git commit -am "Fade to black"`
>> * Add that commit to .git-blame-ignore-revs to avoid polluting git 
>> blame.

Is .git-blame-ignore-revs going to be the next 'newsfile' what with 
every PR adding lines to it?  Also, for the record, this doesn't address 
GitHub blame and does require everyone set the previously mentioned git 
config since it doesn't go with the repo.  :[  Though that's mostly an 
annoyance with git.

Oh yeah...  thanks!


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