[Twisted-Python] Conch Ed25519: testing advice wanted

Colin Watson cjwatson at debian.org
Mon Dec 23 08:15:15 MST 2019

On Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 03:02:57PM +0000, Colin Watson wrote:
> Using PyNaCl as an X25519 alternative seems unfortunately difficult,
> as it only exposes a wrapped version of X25519 which isn't quite what
> we need,

Though after I wrote this I see that nacl.bindings.crypto_scalarmult
exists and should do roughly what I need there, although it's not clear
to what extent it's a private API.  That's maybe tolerable for something
that's only for compatibility and can eventually go away.  I don't think
this changes the analysis about testing, though.

Colin Watson                                       [cjwatson at debian.org]

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