[Twisted-Python] Canonical way to run trial with Python3

Mark Williams mrw at enotuniq.org
Fri May 18 20:40:07 MDT 2018

On Thu, May 17, 2018, at 11:51 PM, Werner Thie wrote:
> Aloha
> Are there any suggestions on how to run trial on a given package to be
> ported to Python 3

Use an editable installation.  trial won't automatically find unported modules in an editable installation, but you run it against any package in src/twisted by specifying the fully-qualified pathname.

Perform an editable install of Twisted in a virtual environment within which you'll run trial:

$ mkvirtualenv -p /path/to/python3 /path/to/venv3/
$ /path/to/venv3/bin/pip install -e /path/to/twisted/checkout

Now that virtual environment's trial can test something that isn't ported to Python 3:

$ /path/to/venv3/bin/trial twisted.news
# Lots of failures 

Don't forget to remove the ported package and its tests from notPortedModules when you're done:


Good luck and thanks for your interest in porting more of Twisted to Python 3!

  Mark Williams
  mrw at enotuniq.org

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