[Twisted-Python] Failure of twisted.test.test_plugin.DeveloperSetupTests.test_freshPyReplacesStalePyc under pypy2

Daniel Sutcliffe dansut at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 16:36:46 MDT 2017

I'm getting this report under pypy2 5.8.0 running Twisted trunk from github:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/twisted/src/twisted/test/test_plugin.py", line 566, in
    self.assertIn('one', self.getAllPlugins())
  File "/opt/twisted/src/twisted/trial/_synctest.py", line 492, in assertIn
    % (containee, container))
twisted.trial.unittest.FailTest: 'one' not in ['dev', 'app']

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/twisted/src/twisted/plugin.py", line 171, in getCache
    provider = pluginModule.load()
  File "/opt/twisted/src/twisted/python/modules.py", line 392, in load
    return self.pathEntry.pythonPath.moduleLoader(self.name)
  File "/opt/twisted/src/twisted/python/reflect.py", line 312, in namedAny
    obj = getattr(obj, n)
exceptions.AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'stale'

I'm not sure yet if it works under pypy3.

My initial tracings seem to suggest this is somehow due to __import__
under pypy not finding the stale.pyc where no stale.py exists ... but
I have to admit that at this point if this is actually expected, all I
know is the test passes under python 2.7.13 and if I comment out the
mypath.remove() on line 562...

Willing to do more work to get to the bottom of this, just thought I'd
put this out there to see if I could get any clues from the more
experienced before I dive in. There seem to be some old tickets that
could vaguely relate...

Am I correct in the fact that Twisted doesn't have Travis-CI builds on PyPy?
Maybe there's a reason for this I'm missing...

Thanks in advance for any info or clues,
Daniel Sutcliffe <dansut at gmail.com>

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