[Twisted-Python] Responding to PRs

Glyph glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Sun Jun 12 20:09:55 MDT 2016

> On Jun 12, 2016, at 13:32, Itamar Turner-Trauring <itamar at itamarst.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Since we're starting to get PRs from random people it's worth trying to make the process as friendly as possible.
> So, maybe instead of telling new contribtutors "PRs won't be reviewed without an issue, see contributor guidelines" it would be better to say "Thanks for the PR! I opened an issue for this PR here (tm.tl/12345). In the future we'd appreciate it if you could open an issue before submitting PRs; see contributor guidelines for details".

Anyone who wants to do this is absolutely welcome to.  Personally, I won't be, but just because there's more than enough work for me to do on the "official" review queue if I have time for it, and manually de-duplicating all the data is challenging.

> If someone went out of their way to provide a fix, we should try to minimize any unnecessary stop-energy they encounter along the way, even if that means some people won't learn the intricacies of the process.

I don't have any interest in teaching people the intricacies of this somewhat janky process :-).  The sooner we can switch to the "review queue" simply being open PRs, the better; so thanks for volunteering to manage the correspondence in the meanwhile.


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