[Twisted-Python] memory leaks

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Sat Dec 3 22:50:55 MST 2016

Following up on a Stack Overflow question from some time ago, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40604545/twisted-using-connectprotocol-to-connect-endpoint-cause-memory-leak?noredirect=1#comment68573508_40604545 since the submitter added a minimal reproducer, I used Heappy https://pypi.org/project/guppy/ to look at memory sizing, and seeing large numbers of Logger instances and type objects leaking when using client endpoints.  It was not immediately obvious to me where the leak is occurring though, as I was careful to clean up the Deferred results and not leave them in a failure state.

I am hoping that I can entice someone else to diagnose this far enough to actually file a bug :-).


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