[Twisted-Python] The role of twisted.internet._sslverify.IOpenSSLTrustRoot

meejah meejah at meejah.ca
Fri Dec 25 15:35:00 MST 2015

Glyph Lefkowitz <glyph at twistedmatrix.com> writes:

(Thanks for the review, Adi!)

> On Dec 20, 2015, at 9:05 AM, Adi Roiban <adi at roiban.ro> wrote:

>> It it documented as a private interface, it has only private methods,
>> but then it is exposed in twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS
>> Why?

> Yes, this is intentional.  It is a private interface, so you can't
> check if something provides it, you aren't allowed to know what
> attributes it has, and you can't implement it.

So in the context of #7671 and testing, can the tests for multiTrust()
just check that they get an IOpenSSLTrustRoot implementation back or do
... something else? That is, currently I'm just confirming this via
asserting IOpenSSLTrustRoot.providedBy(theReturnValue) or so in the
tests. Of course, this means I'm importing the private interface into
the tests...

Thanks! and merry christmas,

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