[Twisted-Python] please can haz code review -> Tor-ified Twisted Python HTTP proxy server - txtorhttpproxy

Aaron Gallagher _ at habnab.it
Tue Aug 11 23:06:02 MDT 2015

David Stainton <dstainton415 at gmail.com> writes:

> If I get rid of this last terrible import:
> from twisted.web._newclient import ResponseDone
> then I'm not sure how to detect when to call the finish() method here:
> https://github.com/david415/txtorhttpproxy/blob/master/txtorhttpproxy/proxy.py#L38-L52

Fortunately, ResponseDone is re-exported by twisted.web.client:
    >>> import twisted.web.client
    >>> twisted.web.client.ResponseDone is twisted.web._newclient.ResponseDone
    >>> twisted.__version__

I couldn't get 9.0 to compile in the five seconds I tried, but 11.0 is
still pretty old. I think it always was re-exported like this.

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