[Twisted-Python] Announcing Eliot 0.7: Logging for complex and distributed systems (with nice Twisted support)

Itamar Turner-Trauring itamar at itamarst.org
Tue Apr 28 14:57:31 MDT 2015


Imagine you have a client that sends a request to a server and gets back
a 500 error. What caused it? If you're using Eliot you can trace the
logs across processes: 

$ cat server.log client.log | python eliottree.py 
 +-- main at 1/started
 |-- process: client
 `-- timestamp: 2015-04-28 16:50:00.379033
 +-- eliot:remote_task at 2,2,1/started
 |-- process: server
 `-- timestamp: 2015-04-28 16:50:00.389533
 +-- http_request at 2,1/started
 |-- process: client
 |-- timestamp: 2015-04-28 16:50:00.379096
 |-- x: 8
 `-- y: 0
 +-- divide at 2,2,2,1/started
 |-- process: server
 |-- timestamp: 2015-04-28 16:50:00.389674
 |-- x: 8
 `-- y: 0
 +-- divide at 2,2,2,2/failed
 |-- exception: exceptions.ZeroDivisionError
 |-- process: server
 |-- reason: integer division or modulo by zero
 `-- timestamp: 2015-04-28 16:50:00.389724
 +-- eliot:remote_task at 2,2,3/failed
 |-- exception: exceptions.ZeroDivisionError
 |-- process: server
 |-- reason: integer division or modulo by zero
 `-- timestamp: 2015-04-28 16:50:00.389750
 +-- http_request at 2,3/failed
 |-- exception: requests.exceptions.HTTPError
 |-- process: client
 |-- reason: 500 Server Error: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
 `-- timestamp: 2015-04-28 16:50:00.396112
 +-- main at 3/failed
 |-- exception: requests.exceptions.HTTPError
 |-- process: client
 |-- reason: 500 Server Error: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
 `-- timestamp: 2015-04-28 16:50:00.396181
 Intrigued? Learn more at https://eliot.readthedocs.org [1].

eliottree.py is an add-on utility for formatting Eliot logs, and can be
found at https://github.com/jonathanj/eliottree [2] 

[1] https://eliot.readthedocs.org
[2] https://github.com/jonathanj/eliottree
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