[Twisted-Python] Twisted 14.0.0pre5 Announcement

Hynek Schlawack hs at ox.cx
Thu May 1 05:56:23 MDT 2014

On 1 May 2014, at 13:28, Glyph wrote:

> I've upgraded <https://glyph.im/> (and therefore 
> <https://glyph.twistedmatrix.com/> and <https://pip2014.com/> and 
> <https://tm.tl/> and a number of other sites that nobody cares about) 
> to the prerelease: <https://asciinema.org/a/9216>.
> Smooth sailing so far, except for this one peculiarity; it crashes 
> ssltest now:
> <https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=tm.tl>
> This might have nothing to do with the prerelease (for unrelated 
> reasons I had to perform some other upgrades before I got around to 
> it).
> Also it looks like a bug on ssllabs' side of things, not a problem 
> with Twisted.  But if someone slightly more experienced with TLS 
> wanted to look at the traffic from that server it might be 
> interesting.

When I connect to the hosts you mention using openssl (don’t forget to 
set -servername if you play along) I only get TLSv1.  Is it possible 
that there’s some custom TLS code laying around?


P.S. The cert chain is apparently completely wrong: 
http://glui.me/?i=ek3zvx7v2wrlsgm/2014-05-01_at_13.55.png/  Apparently 
you send out an anchor but missing an intermediate certificate?

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