[Twisted-Python] Reliable way to check if Twisted has IPv6 support?

Phil Mayers p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk
Fri Dec 13 03:41:44 MST 2013

On 13/12/13 03:22, Amit Saha wrote:

> Is there a more reliable way (which works with the Twisted-8.0+) to check this?

Check the Twisted version.

You should also note that IPv6 features have appeared in multiple 
versions; HostnameEndpoint was added in 13.2.0 for example, whereas 
basic "connectTCP to IPv6 address" was added in 12.1.0, with listenTCP 
in 12.0.0


import twisted

vt = (twisted.version.major, twisted.version.minor)

if vt > (13,2):
   def connectv6name(n):
     return HostnameEndpoint(...)
elif vt > (12,1):
   def connectv6name(n):
     d = myGetAddrInfo(...)
     d.addCallback(reactor.connectTCP, ...)
   def connectv6name(n):
     raise Exception('twisted too old for IPv6')

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