[Twisted-Python] Do Viewables absolutely have to be return'ed by Avatars?

Glyph glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Sun Dec 8 03:16:51 MST 2013

On Dec 7, 2013, at 12:28 PM, Daniel Sank <sank.daniel at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm posting this for future hapless n00bs like myself who find this
> thread while trying to grok perspective broker.
>> It seems to me that the right way to fix this issue with being able to
>> pass Cacheable and Viewable instances as arguments to mind.callRemote
>> methods would be to "attach" a perspective to that mind, possibly
>> during login (with a means for doing in manually as well).
> By looking around in the source code and doing more experiments I have
> figured out that you can just do this
> mind.perspective = thePerspectiveIWantToAssociateWithThisMind

Oops, I wrote my previous reply without having seen this message! :-).

And yes, I'd totally forgotten that that's a way to do it, because the documentation is horrible and it's been years since I worked on a PB-based application.  I would strongly encourage you to contribute documentation enhancements that add the requisite level of docstring coverage to PB.

Thanks for your interest so far.


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