[Twisted-Python] Do Viewables absolutely have to be return'ed by Avatars?

Daniel Sank sank.daniel at gmail.com
Sat Dec 7 10:30:36 MST 2013


It seems to me that the right way to fix this issue with being able to
pass Cacheable and Viewable instances as arguments to mind.callRemote
methods would be to "attach" a perspective to that mind, possibly
during login (with a means for doing in manually as well). As soon as
that though crossed my mind I remembered that I've seen "attach" and
"detach" floating around in the pb documentation as if it were once
upon a time a real part of the API, but sort of fizzled or was never
really adopted.I would appreciate your comment on this to help me
understand the state of pb and whether my idea of how to proceed is

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