[Twisted-Python] Passing extra arguments along callbacks

Terry Jones terry at jon.es
Fri Oct 21 19:50:56 MDT 2011

Hi Jonathan

> def resolve(ip):
>     ptr = '.'.join(ip.split('.')[::-1]) + '.in-addr.arpa'
>     return client.lookupPointer(ptr).\
>             addCallback(lambda x: (ip, x)).\
>             addErrback(lambda x: (ip, x))

Your errback isn't raising and isn't returning a Failure, so the processing
switches back to the callback chain. If you add an errback that's a real
function and it raises something, things will work. E.g.

def err(fail, ip):
    raise Exception(fail, ip)

return client.lookupPointer(ptr).\
    addCallback(lambda x: (ip, x)).\
    addErrback(err, ip)

> l = [resolve(ip) for ip in IPS]
> d = DeferredList( l, consumeErrors=True).\
>         addCallback(display_results).\
>         addCallback(lambda x: reactor.stop)

Try reactor.stop()


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