[Twisted-Python] Does twisted have plan to support python 3.x?

exarkun at twistedmatrix.com exarkun at twistedmatrix.com
Wed Jun 29 06:27:58 MDT 2011

On 08:50 am, dynamicgl at gmail.com wrote:
>   I heard that Python 3.3 may support coroutine natively via yield
>generator. I am interested in how this thing can affect twisted 

Glyph wrote a good summary of the Python 3.x plan on Stack Overflow:


You can also help out with the porting work and follow the progress of 
others by watching tickets in the Python-3.x milestone:


Meanwhile, twisted.internet.defer.inlineCallbacks offers essentially all 
of the same features as you'll get from PEP 380 (which I think is what 
you're talking about when you say "support coroutine natively via yield 
generator"), and works on Python 2.5 through 2.7.

There's also corotwine, which is even more extreme (than either 
inlineCallbacks or PEP 380):



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