[Twisted-Python] A resizable dispatch queue for Twisted (updated)

Terry Jones terry at jon.es
Mon Jun 27 09:27:45 MDT 2011

I've made some changes to txRDQ, and just blogged about the class:

Summary of changes: A put on the queue now gets you a deferred. There's a
new Job class that the deferred fires or errs with. The deferreds can be
cancelled. Jobs can be given priorities and can be . On the admin side, the
pending and underway methods return lists of job instances (which can be
re-prioritized, canceled, and independently watched). Shutdown now allows
you to cancel underway jobs.

The code also contains a DeferredPriorityQueue which will likely be
independently of interest to some, and might make its way into Twisted?

Code at https://launchpad.net/txrdq


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