[Twisted-Python] Doubt regarding registerAdapter in sshsimpleserver.py

exarkun at twistedmatrix.com exarkun at twistedmatrix.com
Fri Jun 24 09:57:19 MDT 2011

On 12:37 am, anshul.singhle at gmail.com wrote:
>I'm a Twisted newbie and I'm working on a custom ssh daemon for serving 
>I happened to read one of the example files sshsimpleserver.py at *
>http://twistedmatrix.com/projects/conch/documentation/examples/* . At 
>93 ExampleSession is registered as an Adapter for ExampleAvatar 
>adapting it
>to session.ISession. As i understand, to actually do the adaptation a 
>like ISession(ExampleAvatar) has to be done (?). This call hasn't been 

It's more like ISession(ExampleAvatar()) - the instance is adapted, not 
the class.

Conch does this in SSHSession in a few places:


So using SSHSession is the main way to have your ISession adapter make a 


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