[Twisted-Python] Example of re-usable ClientFactories?

Orestis Markou orestis at orestis.gr
Wed Jun 15 11:03:14 MDT 2011


I've gotten to the point in my tutorial that I'm giving out examples of writing clients. Example:

class HTTPGETProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
    def connectionMade(self):
        self.buffer = []
        self.transport.write('GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n' % self.factory.path)
        self.transport.write('User-Agent: europython/2011\r\n')

    def dataReceived(self, data):

    def connectionLost(self, reason):

def get(host, path):
    f = protocol.ClientFactory()
    f.protocol = HTTPGETProtocol
    f.path = path
    f.deferred = defer.Deferred()
    reactor.connectTCP(host, 80, f)
    return f.deferred

So far as I can tell, this is a common idiom (albeit with a ClientFactory subclass) - create a single-use factory, store some instance variables into it, connect somewhere, let the protocol do its thing by accessing the factory's instance variables. Of course, real-world examples are much more complex, but the pattern remains pretty much the same.

I'm curious, is there any case where a ClientFactory.buildProtocol would be used more than once? The only case I can think is something like ReconnectingClientFactory that will need to re-initiate the connection, but it doesn't even use that kind of functionality.

Thinking more about it, a factory could be reused by connecting it to different addresses, so it would coordinate different protocols.

But, for most of the one-shot cases it seems that a ClientCreator (or an endpoint) would serve the same purpose, no?

Any pointers would be appreciated.

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