[Twisted-Python] Twisted Plugins - Implementation Discussion

Andrew Bennetts andrew at bemusement.org
Thu Apr 7 07:19:32 MDT 2011

Itamar Turner-Trauring wrote:
> So, the design has to *not* rely on caching working.

FWIW: this is an achievable goal.  I have 32 different bzr plugins
currently installed, and here's the difference they make:

   $ time bzr --no-plugins rocks
   It sure does!
   real	0m0.075s
   $ time bzr rocks
   It sure does!
   real	0m0.119s

So that's about 1.5ms per plugin, on average.  With a hot disk cache, at

For comparison, 'twistd --version' takes 116ms, with a dropin.cache and
(I think, although how can I tell?) no plugins installed.

In part, we achieve this via the bzrlib.lazy_import hack, which plugins
can and often do use, and by encouraging plugin authors to put as little
code into their __init__.py files as possible.  A typical plugin's
__init__ might do just:

    # This is example_plugin/__init__.py
    # The actual command implementation is in
    # example_plugin/example_commands.py
    from bzrlib import commands
    commands.plugin_cmds.register_lazy('cmd_class_name', [],

Glyph's expressed scepticism that plugin authors and maintainers will
know to keep their __init__.py files cheap to import.  Bazaar's
experience is different.  Partly that's probably because the Bazaar
community has paid a fair bit of attention to start up time and I
suppose Twisted doesn't have that.  But I think also it's partly because
we've provided tools to help people diagnose what/who to blame for bzr
being slow to start, like 'bzr --profile-imports', and even the crude
'time bzr rocks'.


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