[Twisted-Python] problem using imap mail client

Itamar Turner-Trauring itamar at itamarst.org
Thu Oct 14 23:23:39 EDT 2010

On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 08:42 +0530, jim gardener wrote:
> hi,
> I installed twisted on ubuntu lucid .When I checked the version ,it
> shows Version('twisted', 10, 0, 0)
> I tried to run imap4client.py giving it hostname='imap.gmail.com' and
> entered my username and password..When I run the program I am getting
> "twisted.internet.error.TCPTimedOutError: TCP connection timed out"
> error.
> I was able to login and read my gmail using python imaplib though..I
> am wondering why it doesn't work with twisted

Can you try Twisted 10.1? There were some bug fixes in the IMAP code
that may solve the problem.

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