[Twisted-Python] Best place to put application code

John Aherne johnaherne at rocs.co.uk
Sat Jan 3 04:16:41 MST 2009

Thanks for the reply.
Very helpful. despite the question being like 'How long is a piece of

It's good to just hear what someone else reckons is the way to structure the

I like the code sample.It makes clearer what some of my options are. So I'll
have a look and see how I can make use of it.

Thanks once again.

John Aherne

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Jean-Paul Calderone <exarkun at divmod.com>wrote:

> On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 10:14:40 +0000, John Aherne <johnaherne at rocs.co.uk>
> wrote:
>> One thing that has been puzzling me is where is the best place to put
>> application code.
> It depends. :)
>> The case I am using is straightforward TCP server with client connections
>> making simple requests and waiting for responses retrieved from database
>> tables to be sent back.
>> Reading the docs and looking at various examples provided in books and
>> documentation has left me a bit confused.
>> Is there a best practice for where application code should go - either the
>> protcocol class or the factory class or somewhere else. Does it actually
>> matter.
>> Is there any downside to putting application code in the protocol or
>> factory. What pitfalls are there for either approach.
> Best practice for a Protocol class is to include code which is necessary
> to interpret bytes which are received and turn them into a structured form
> which is easier to deal with; code which starts from some structured form
> and emits bytes to be sent should also be part of a Protocol class.
> It is common practice to have a class which includes just these things and
> then a subclass which adds application-specific logic based on top of this
> functionality.  It is also common practice to connect a protocol which has
> only these things, no application-specific code, and then have application
> code elsewhere (in a free function, a method of a factory, another class's
> method, user input, etc) make calls onto it.  Which of these approaches is
> most well suited to a particular application depends.  For example, if the
> application code creates multiple connections with shared state adding the
> application logic to a Protocol subclass isn't a good approach.
>  I see examples where application code appears in both classes, but the
>> examples are very small so may not be indicative of what should be done.
> Generally they're so small that there's no advantage to any approach over
> any other, yes.
>  In the docs I see reference to most of the code will be written in the
>> protocol class, but that seems to be referring to actually writing
>> protocols
>> not application code. It also says that when the protocol needs to call
>> application code to make it a method call -  not to mix protocol and
>> application code. This could just mean creating some methods in the
>> protocol
>> class to handle the task.
> Consider all of the code you write to be part of a library you're
> developing.
> If you implement a protocol, then you've just written part of a library
> which
> provides a slightly higher-level API for interacting with the network in
> some
> way.  With that in hand, you can move on to some other part of your library
> which uses that higher-level API to accomplish something even higher-level,
> perhaps presenting yet another API to some other part of your application
> which is higher-level still.  The motivation to not mix protocol and
> application code is just the motivation to have clear boundaries in your
> library to make as much of it reusable as possible.  If you have a protocol
> implementation mixed together with application A, when you come along to
> write application B which needs to use the same protocol, you'll have to
> re-implement the protocol, or refactor your original implementation to move
> the application A code elsewhere (of course, there's nothing wrong with
> having to refactor your code - it's a common part of programming, and since
> it's very difficult to predict the future, it's often best *not* to try to
> anticipate your future requirements when writing code - just write what
> works
> and is easily testable, and when your future requirements come along, deal
> with them then; as you do this more and more, you'll probably get a sense
> of
> how to structure your code to minimize the effort required for refactoring,
> but aside from experience with this process, I don't know of any way to
> learn
> this skill).
>  However, if the application code needs to run for 10-12 seconds looking up
>> database tables and accumulating results and waiting on  deferreds, should
>> all this code reside in the protocol class or the factory.
> I wouldn't take the duration of the task into consideration when trying to
> decide where to put it.  I'd consider reusability, testability, simplicity,
> and correctness.
>> If I keep it in the protocol, then I already have my client connection to
>> write back to. So that seems to be the place to keep the code.
>> If I put the code in the factory, then I need to pass the client
>> connection
>> so it can write back to the client. Or is there another way of doing this
>> I
>> have missed.
> This isn't much different from the trade-off you have to consider when you
> decide to implement anything as two classes instead of one.  Since you can
> no longer just use `self´ everywhere, you'll have to figure out how to get
> a reference to the other instance that you need sometimes.  This shouldn't
> be difficult though - just invoke a method on one class with an instance of
> the other.
>  .
>> The factory seems to be the place where other classes can be passed in and
>> the protocol can call them via self.factory. That seems to imply that
>> application code should be put into the factory, but I can't see any way
>> of
>> passing back information from deferred results to the call from protocol.
>> It's ok if it was just a simple method call that returns a result, but if
>> the code has to run a series of deferreds then it will be the called
>> method
>> that will have the result and it will need a means of writing this back to
>> the client. I don't think I can signal the protocol to say I now have the
>> result.Of course I could easily be mistaken. So please correct.
> This is just what Deferreds are for.  For example, let's consider a
> protocol
> and factory for a game server lobby.  The protocol has a message type which
> lets the server inform the client of the list of games which are currently
> available to be joined.  The Protocol subclass sends this information to
> the client when the connection is established, but it uses the factory
> to actually find the list of games that are available.  Again, this
> division is probably desirable for a number of reasons (it simplifies
> unit testing, for example).
> class GameFactory(ServerFactory):
>   def availableGames(self):
>       """
>       Return a Deferred which will fire with a list of the games
>       currently available to be joined.
>       """
>       return self.connectionPool.runQuery(
>           "SELECT game_id FROM available_games")
> class GameProtocol(Protocol):
>   def connectionMade(self):
>       """
>       Send the available-games message so the client can pick one to
>       join.
>       """
>       d = self.factory.availableGames()
>       def cbGotGames(games):
>           self.transport.write(" ".join(games))
>       d.addCallback(cbGotGames)
>       d.addErrback(log.err)
>> Of course if I passs the client connection to the factory, then it can use
>> this to write back. But that means passing around the client connection.
>> Should I avoid doing that or is that not a problem.
> It's an option, but I hope the above example will show how you can use
> Deferreds to avoid needing to do this.
>> I hope I have explained myself clearly. I'm just looking for some guidance
>> and pointers to what is best to do or what is best to avoid.
> Hope this helps,
> Jean-Paul
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