[Twisted-Python] django with twisted 8.2.x: 2009

Alex Clemesha clemesha at gmail.com
Fri Jan 16 16:54:30 EST 2009


I appreciate you detailed response, thanks.
> If yo have a really long running tasks, I suggest you donot
> 'bind' gui into those -- and instead do what I am doing -- just
> submit requests to the database, have background servers process them
> and then change the status of the request to 'Done' so that the GUI
> can either poll it or the user will see the task is completed.
> Because during those tasks you can have user logoff, DB shutdown, etc.
Absolutely - I agree that the pattern of having background server
process handle the
work of long running tasks is the way to go.

Good luck on implementing your app.

Alex Clemesha

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