[Twisted-Python] Some way for Trial to allow selective running of tests?

Steve Steiner (listsin) listsin at integrateddevcorp.com
Thu Aug 27 17:23:52 EDT 2009

On Aug 27, 2009, at 4:00 PM, Don Dwiggins wrote:

> I've been successfully and happily using Trial for a while now for
> development of a server.  I have many tests at this point; during
> development of a new feature, I'd like to have a convenient way to  
> only
> run the tests relevant to that feature.
> I'm hacking it at this point by prefixing the names of all unwanted
> tests with "foo" to keep them from being recognized.  Naturally, I'd
> like a better way to do this.  Any good words welcome.

I was just running into this yesterday and had actually pulled the  
code for the one thing I use trial for ( the emacs line @ the top of  
the file to specify unit tests) out to make a nose plug-in since nose  
allows lists of tests to be put into config files.

I'd love to have another way as I will need Trial for the Twisted part  
of my code later.



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