[Twisted-Python] Trying to get twisted.protocols.amp to work with py2app...

Nathan nathan.stocks at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 23:11:34 EST 2008

I'm on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.5.2 using py2app installed with
the "easy" method in the py2app install docs.  I'm trying to package a
little pyglet+twisted (pyglet.org, twistedmatrix.com) project that I'm
working on, and it _mostly_ works, except it keeps giving me the
following error when I try to run the resulting app:

ImportError: No module named amp


I've done the following steps to try to debug the problem, with no success:

* Noticed that the following imports DO work:
      from twisted.internet import reactor, task
      from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientCreator

* Verified that I get the same error when running the app with the
following import lines:
      import twisted.protocols.amp
      from twisted.protocols import amp

* Tried the following command-line variations without any variation in
the error (although app sizes varied):

      python setup.py py2app --includes twisted.protocols
      python setup.py py2app --includes twisted.protocols.amp
      python setup.py py2app --use-pythonpath
      python setup.py py2app --use-pythonpath --include twisted.protocols.amp
      python setup.py py2app --use-pythonpath --include
twisted.protocols.amp --graph
      python setup.py py2app --use-pythonpath --include
twisted.protocols.amp -p twisted.protocols
      python setup.py py2app --use-pythonpath -p twisted.protocols
      python setup.py py2app --use-pythonpath -p twisted

* Used the following py2applet-generated setup.py the whole time:

      This is a setup.py script generated by py2applet

          python setup.py py2app

      from setuptools import setup

      APP = ['running-man.py']
      DATA_FILES = ['images']
      OPTIONS = {'argv_emulation': True}

          options={'py2app': OPTIONS},

~ Nathan

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