[Twisted-Python] Deferred.setTimeout is deprecated, replacement ideas?

Gabriel Rossetti gabriel.rossetti at arimaz.com
Thu Jul 17 00:44:52 MDT 2008

Tim Allen wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:00:11AM +0200, Gabriel Rossetti wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I was going to use Deferred.setTimeout until I saw that it was  
>> deprecated. Does anyone know why? I found it handy and I find that  
>> case-per-case replacements tend to be complicated. Does anyone have any  
>> ideas on how to replace it?
> This has (unsurprisingly) come up on the list many times before. Here's
> a reasonable representative sample:
>     http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.twisted/8490
Ok, I'll have a look at that, thanks (more text further down)
> In short, the problem with .setTimeout is that it's a little bit like
> shooting the messenger. Imagine you have a script that generates
> a report from a long and complicated database query; the code flow might
> run something like this:
>  - Script asks the database to run its query.
>  - Database returns a deferred promising a result.
>  - Script calls .setTimeout() on the deferred.
>  - The timeout fires, the script gives up and logs an error.
>  - Database continues processing, using up CPU and IO resources even
>    though the script no longer cares about the result.
>  - Database finishes, calls .callback() on the deferred and winds up
>    with an AlreadyCalled exception.
> The preferred situation is something more like this:
>  - Script asks the database to run its query with a particular timeout.
>  - Database returns a deferred promising a result.
>  - The timeout period elapses, the database realises it hasn't finished
>    in time, and so shuts down its query processing and calls .errback()
>    on the deferred.
>  - Script receives the timeout notification, gives up and logs an error.
> The difference is that the thing that returns the deferred is the only
> thing that can possibly know how to cancel an operation-in-progress, and
> therefore the only thing that can reasonably implement timeout
> functionality - deferreds are just the wrong place to put that method.
I understand that, but sometimes whatever you're waiting on has no 
timeout mechanism, and it's not doing any processing itself (not like a 
database query), so quitting wouldn't hurt it. I just think maybe 
deprecating it is a bit too harsh, maybe a big warning and 
recommendations would be nicer :-)
>> I was thinking of doing something like this, if data isn't present in  
>> the data internal list:
>> d = Deferred()
>> dc = reactor.callLater(self.timeout, self.__timeoutCallback, d)
> [line deleted as per follow-up mail]
>> Then a tuple containing the Deferred ("d"), the DelayedCall ("dc") is  
>> then put in the internal waiting list. If the timeout doesn't expire  
>> before the data arrives, then the DelayedCall is canceled, if it does  
>> expire then the tuple is removed from the queue (potentially slow) and  
>> an exception is raised.
>> Is there a better way of doing this? Any ideas?
> What you suggest sounds pretty reasonable to me.
Ok, thanks!
> Tim Allen

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