[Twisted-Python] domish.Element comparison not working

Gabriel Rossetti mailing_lists at evotex.ch
Tue Jul 8 10:07:42 EDT 2008

Hello everyone,

I need to compare two domish.Element objects in a unit test using trial. 
I can't compare the string xml (using .toXml()) because sometimes the 
attributes are not in the same order, and since it's a string it uses 
normal string comparison and you see the problem, but I can't use direct 
comparison either, so what should I use? If you look at the example 
below you will see what I mean :

 >>> from twisted.words.xish import domish
 >>> root = domish.Element(('', 'test'))
 >>> s = domish.Element(('', 'feed'), attribs={'name':'myname'})
 >>> s.addContent("toto")
 >>> root.addChild(s)
<twisted.words.xish.domish.Element object at 0x848390c>
 >>> root.toXml()
u"<test><feed name='myname'>toto</feed></test>"
 >>> root2 = domish.Element(('', 'test'))
 >>> s = domish.Element(('', 'feed'), attribs={'name':'myname'})
 >>> s.addContent("toto")
 >>> root2.addChild(s)
<twisted.words.xish.domish.Element object at 0x84a342c>
 >>> root2.toXml()
u"<test><feed name='myname'>toto</feed></test>"
 >>> root == root2

As you see, root and root2 are equal in the sense that they contain the 
same xml structure, same identifiers and the same values, but the "==" 
comparison says they are false. Am i doing something wrong or is the 
comparison just not implemented for those objects?

Thank you,

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