[Twisted-Python] Re: Running commands (ssh) from a GUI client

paul paul at subsignal.org
Tue Oct 9 14:18:27 MDT 2007

Paul_S_Johnson at mnb.uscourts.gov schrieb:
> Raul,
> This is simply some work-in-progress code, but is basically what you are 
> looking for even written for PythonCard. This takes a list of three 
> commands and runs them in the order given using deferreds to wait for the 
> previous to complete before executing the next.
> This took me about forever to get it this far. If you make and significant 
> improvements, please share.
I'll take your word and add my 2 cents here:

Running commands is not a problem, the client example provided at 
twistedmatrix.com does just that. However, it always uses a new 
connection with all the associated overhead.
I've been told you need a Channel for each command but you can reuse the 
connection. To make this work you have to decouple the Channel from the 
connection setup:

class ClientConnection(connection.SSHConnection):

     def __init__(self):
         self.started = False
         self.runCalled = 0

     def serviceStarted(self):
         # just set a flag
         self.started = True
         log.msg('ssh connection started')

     def runCommand(self, d, command, *args):
         the connection needs some time to get up, hence we use callLater
         so that the caller doesn't have to bother.
         FIXME: remove hardcoded delay, add backlog and break eventually
         if self.started never gets true for some reason...
         if not self.started:
             reactor.callLater(1, self.runCommand, d, command, *args)
             self.openChannel(CommandChannel(d, self, command, *args))

the self.openChannel is moved out of serviceStarted() and we have an 
independent method runCommmand() we can call as often as we want as long 
as the connection is alive (I wonder if the self.started hack can be 

The CommandChannel fires(?) the passed in Deferred when the command has 

class CommandChannel(channel.SSHChannel):
     name = 'session'

    def __init__(self, d, connection, command, *args):
         self.command = command
         self.args = args
         self.d = d
         channel.SSHChannel.__init__(self, conn=connection)

     def channelOpen(self, data):
         args = list(self.args)
         args.insert(0, self.command)
         d = self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'exec', common.NS(" "
                                  .join(args)), wantReply = 1)
         self.catData = ''

     def _endCommand(self, ignored):

     def eofReceived(self):

     def dataReceived(self, data):
         #log.msg('DEBUG, dataReceived: %s' % data)
         self.catData += data

The last piece of the puzzle is the factory which holds the connection 
specific data and !! a reference to the connection object to call the 
runCommand method:

class CommandClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):

     def __init__(self, host, user, fingerprint, password=None,
         self.host = host
         self.user = user
         self.password = password
         self.fingerprint = fingerprint

         self.TransportClass = TransportClass
         self.connection = ConnClass() #<- we have the connection here
         self.auth_client = AuthClass(self, self.connection)

     def runCommand(self, deferred, cmd, *args):
         self.connection.runCommand(deferred, cmd, *args)

     def buildProtocol(self, addr):
         p = self.TransportClass()
         p.factory = self
         return p

     def clientConnectionFailed(self, connection, reason):
         print "connect to %s as %s failed, reason: %s" % (
             self.host, self.user, reason)

     def clientConnectionLost(self, connection, reason):
         print 'connection to "%s" as "%s" lost, reason: %s' % (
             self.host, self.user, reason)

Now you setup a CommandClientFactory, create a new Deferred, a callback 
function and put it all together:

def cmdCallback(result):
     print result
cf = CommandClientFactory(host, user, fingerprint, password=None)
reactor.connectTCP(host, self.port, cf)

d = defer.Deferred()
cf.connection.runCommand(d, command, *args)

WRT the su - problem, I'll probably use sudo (to fetch the sudoers file ;))


BTW: This is not working code, it's just to show the basic schema...

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