[Twisted-Python] Two main loops

Jasper jasper at peak.org
Sun Nov 11 16:06:26 EST 2007

Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 09:51:33 -0500, Bernie Roehl <broehl at gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Did you find that passing zero as the first parameter to callLater
>> cause it to be called often enough?  I really want to make sure the
>> rendering is happening as quickly as possible.
>    exarkun at boson:~$ cat howfastdoesitspin.py
>    from twisted.internet import reactor
>    from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall
>    class Spinner(object):
>        def __init__(self):
>            self.count = 0
>        def tick(self):
>            self.count += 1
>    spinner = Spinner()
>    call = LoopingCall(spinner.tick)
>    call.start(0)
>    reactor.callLater(1, reactor.stop)
>    reactor.run()
>    print spinner.count
>    exarkun at boson:~$ python howfastdoesitspin.py
>    5448
>    exarkun at boson:~$
> Practically speaking, you probably don't need to render more than about
> 3000 frames per second.  ;)
> Jean-Paul

That depends.  When I send moderately sized objects over Twisted, this 
approach causes my frame rate to stop while Twisted is busy, and worse 
makes my GUI non-interactive.  For a game, this is generally unacceptable...

I'm not sure of a good/nice way to deal with this.  Slicing 
transmissions into a sequence of smaller chunks seems like a fair pain 
in the ass, but then again the alternatives are punting to another 
thread/process. :-/


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