[Twisted-Python] Windows NT Service Problem

Werner Thie wthie at thiengineering.ch
Fri May 18 01:31:01 MDT 2007

May I chime in with a question:

Is there a decent way to redirect twisted logging to the system/app log 
facilities of MSW?

Thxs, Werner Thie

Lucas Taylor wrote:
> Berkstresser, Dan wrote:
>> Hello, I am trying to get my twisted project to run as a Windows
>> Service.  I have followed the instructions here:
>> http://gradstein.info/DeployingTwistedWindows
>> as well as here:
>> http://svn.twistedmatrix.com/cvs/sandbox/moonfallen/?rev=18080#dirlist
> This isn't really relevant to the references you've mentioned, but there
> is a simple way to create Windows services with a minor amount of code
> and it's not too onerous. You don't have to use py2exe, although it is
> certainly possible to do so once you've got the rest working. I'm not
> sure if this is the "best" way, but it has been successful for me in a
> couple of projects over the past 2 years.
> Below is a very simple example using the QOTD server from the core docs.
> It doesn't use tac files, Application objects, or twistd, so it's very
> basic. A "real" project will differ, but the basic mechanics of starting
> and stopping the service are illustrated in the SvcDoRun() and
> CheckForQuit() methods of the WindowsService object. The idea is to have
> the reactor check for a Stop event periodically and exit if it is raised.
> You should be able to install and remove it thusly:
> python qotdservice.py install
> python qotdservice.py remove
> You can then test it out with the sample Echo client from the core docs.
> """qotdservice.py
> Sample Twisted Windows Service
> """
> # Service Utilities
> import win32serviceutil
> import win32service
> import win32event
> # Twisted imports
> from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol, Factory
> from twisted.internet import reactor
> class QOTD(Protocol):
>     def connectionMade(self):
>         self.transport.write("An apple a day keeps the doctor away\r\n")
>         self.transport.loseConnection()
> class WindowsService(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework):
>     _svc_name_ = "TwistedWin32Service"
>     _svc_display_name_ = "Twisted Win32 Service"
>     def __init__(self, args):
>         win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args)
>         self.hWaitStop = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None)
>     def SvcStop(self):
>         self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING)
>         win32event.SetEvent(self.hWaitStop)
>     def SvcDoRun(self):
>         import servicemanager
>         self.CheckForQuit()
>         factory = Factory()
>         factory.protocol = QOTD
>         reactor.listenTCP(8007, factory)
>         reactor.run(installSignalHandlers=0)
>     def CheckForQuit(self):
>         retval = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self.hWaitStop, 10)
>         if not retval == win32event.WAIT_TIMEOUT:
>             # Received Quit from Win32
>             reactor.stop()
>         reactor.callLater(1.0, self.CheckForQuit)
> if __name__=='__main__':
>     win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine(WindowsService)
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