[Twisted-Python] Twisted TCP Server Maximum Simultaneous Connections

Konrads Smelkovs konrads.smelkovs at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 09:31:37 MDT 2007

To chip in my two cents - try testing with more machines, as Itamar had
suggested earlier. It is very easy to max out the limits of the testing
machines before the server is maxed out. I think there is a kernel
parameter that specifies low and high ports of outgoing connections.
Try with more machines.

On Wed, 2007-06-06 at 10:01 -0400, Itamar Shtull-Trauring wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-06-05 at 21:15 -0400, Alvin Delagon wrote:
> > When we used the benchmark tool on two PCs (each spawning 20,000 XMPP
> > clients), the number of successful connect/authorize varies between
> > 37,000~39,000.
> > Did we hit the ceiling? Or is there anyway we can increase this
> > further? We already configured the ulimit parameters and tinkered with
> > some kernel configurations.
> There's no limits in Twisted itself that would cause that, so it's
> likely in the kernel. For example -
> You may have the free TCP port limit range, since you are doing so many
> connections from only two IP addresses. This is not a limit that would
> affect you during production, of course; you could see if you can get
> higher numbers of connections with more client machines.

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