[Twisted-Python] trial and setUpClass

Jonathan Lange jml at mumak.net
Thu May 18 18:41:47 EDT 2006

On 5/18/06, Manlio Perillo <manlio_perillo at libero.it> wrote:
> Jonathan Lange ha scritto:
> > [...]
> >> Another question: there is a supported way to execute code before *all*
> >> TestCases run?
> >>
> >>
> >> Now I simply execute a synchronous function before defining test cases.
> >>
> >
> > No, there isn't.
> >
> > What are you trying to do?
> >
> Create some tables and functions on a PostgreSQL database.

In that case, here's what I'd do.  I'd create a couple of top-level
functions (maybe methods in a TestCase subclass -- who knows?), like

def checkDB():
    # check the database is configured properly.
    # return False if it needs to be restored

def setUpDB():
    if not checkDB():
        # drop & create a bunch of tables

I'd then whack a call to setUpDB() in my setUp (_not_ setUpClass) for
every test case that needed to use the database.  That way, I'd know
that the data was always correct, and I wouldn't be reconfiguring the
database for every single test.

You could also refine the process so that setUpDB checks individual
tables rather than the whole of your schema.

Hope this helps,

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