[Twisted-Python] Re: Traceback from pb-Server

Peter Lee pete.a.lee at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 10:12:08 MDT 2005

>>>> Stephan Popp writes:

    Popp> If the pythonscript named taskDescription.fileName isn't there 
    Popp> self.serverErrorCB is called - thats ok. But it prints:
    Popp> reason [Failure instance: Traceback from remote host -- Traceback unavailable]

    Popp> But I need to know why the call failed. Can anyone please
    Popp> help me to get the traceback or the exception message that
    Popp> the server prints (exceptions.ImportError: No module named
    Popp> fitfunc2).

It's a Failure "instance"... take a look at:

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