[Twisted-Python] Handling errors when using deferToThread

Pedro Sanchez psanchez at nortel.com
Fri Oct 28 08:35:08 MDT 2005


In the twisted documentation there is this example:

from twisted.internet import threads
def doLongCalculation():
    # .... do long calculation here ...
    return 3

def printResult(x):
    print x

# run method in thread and get result as defer.Deferred
d = threads.deferToThread(doLongCalculation)

This works well as long as doLongCalculation() doesn't fail for
any reason. But if it does, how can it trigger an errBack?
I want to do something like this:

from twisted.internet import threads
def doLongCalculation():
       # .... do long calculation here ...
       < what can I return here to tell that
         the calculation failed? >
    return 3

def printResult(x):
    print x

def badResult(failure):
    print "Calculation failed!"

# run method in thread and get result as defer.Deferred
d = threads.deferToThread(doLongCalculation)
d.addCallbacks(printResult, badResult)

Thanks in advance for your help,


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