[Twisted-Python] Receiving large packets with TCP

Stefan Näwe naewe.s at atlas.de
Mon Jul 11 06:03:06 MDT 2005

Näwe, Stefan schrieb:
> Hi.
> I'm using Twisted (2.0.1) for a TCP-based receiver.
> That receiver receives different telegrams sent by another process.
> Those telegrams are sent on different ports (i.e. one telegram type
> is sent on one port). The sizes of the telegram vary from ~16 bytes
> to ~8 kB.
> Everything works perfectly. I've really never been *that*
> productive.
> BUT:
> I'm having trouble receiving the whole contents of large telegrams.
> For example one telegram is exactly 7452 bytes long but I only get
> 2920 bytes.
> My twisted receiver uses the reactor to setup the different ports
> to listen on and creates 'message handler' objects on connect.
> Those message handler objects 'dissect' the received telegram and
> print some of its contents to STDOUT.
> Some parts of my code:
> class MyReceiver(Protocol):
>     def dataReceived(self, data):
>         if __debug__: log.msg("Received %d bytes" % len(data))
>         try:
>             # here the message handler gets created
>             m = self.factory.msg[self.port](data)
>             log.msg(m)
>         except KeyError:
>             # can this really happen ??
>             log.msg("Unhandled connection from port %d" % self.port)
>     def connectionMade(self):
>         addr = self.transport.getHost()
>         self.proto = addr.type
>         self.peer = addr.host
>         self.port = addr.port
>         log.msg("Connection from %s" % self.transport.getPeer())
> My 'main' function simply does 'reactor.listenTCP(port, MyFactory)'
> So what do I need to do to get the whole telegram 'in one shot' ?
> Do I need to re-assemble the telegrams myself ?
> (I hope this Information is enough...Tell me, if not.)

I forgot:

The telegram sender (non twisted) sits on a Win32 box.
The telegram receiver (twisted) on a Linux box.


Stefan Naewe                                     ATLAS Elektronik GmbH
                                                         Dept.: NUS T4
phone: +49-(0)421-457-3969                Sebaldsbruecker Heerstr. 235
fax:   +49-(0)421-457-3913                                28305 Bremen

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