[Twisted-Python] Dealing with an intermittent PB server

Dave Cook daverz at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 20:56:15 MST 2005

I'm rendering the results of a remote method call:

    def data_tableList(self, ctx, data):
        d =   self.pbClientFactory.login(creds)
        d.addCallback(lambda object: object.callRemote("foo"))
        return d
Works, great if the PB server is up,  but if it's down the browser
just hangs.  Is there a correct way to check that the connection is up
at this point?  This works:

       if self.pbClientFactory._broker:
            d = self.pbClientFactory.login(creds)
            d.addCallback(lambda object: object.callRemote("getAlertReports"))
            d = []
        return d

but seems like a hack.  Also, ideally, I'd like to attempt a
reconnection to the PB server at this point if it's not running. 
What's the best way to do that?

Dave Cook

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