[Twisted-Python] pb references

Brian Warner warner at lothar.com
Mon Dec 12 02:00:55 MST 2005

Micky Latowicki <ml.flex at gmail.com> writes:

> Now, B is apparently trying to send this RemoteReference to some third
> party, C. This is not allowed by twisted, possibly because that would
> often require forwarding messages from C to A through B, which can be
> inefficient and unreliable.

In PB we call this "serializing third-party references". and it's illustrated
concisely by the "Granovetter Diagram"[1] as described by papers on
distributed computing[2]. I also sometimes call it the "Gift" pattern. Micky
has described the situtation accurately, but I wanted to add some detail on
the whole third-party reference thing, because it's changing in newpb. Some
of this is pretty verbose, probably more information than anybody but a newpb
implementor is likely to care about, but I figured I'll throw it out there so
people can know what's going on behind the scenes.

oldpb refuses to serialize third-party references because there's no
reference-identification infrastructure in place to let the recipient
establish a direct connection to the originator. Each RemoteReference is
really just a connection-local ID number (the CLID), like "4", wrapped by a
bunch of code that implements callRemote(). The CLID is only meaningful when
it gets looked up by the Broker on the other end of the wire that it's scoped
to. So if B wants to send his RemoteReference(A) to C, the only way to send
something that C will actually be able to use would be to create a proxy
object that provides a whole bunch of methods like the following:

 def remote_foo(self, *args, **kwargs):
     return self.refA.callRemote("foo", *args, **kwargs)

(with suitable cleverness, you could make this into a generic Proxy object,
such that you didn't have to manually duplicate this for every single method
that A can respond to. Note that even in newpb this pattern is useful, so
we'll figure out some way to make it convenient: Revocable Forwarders,
Logging Proxies, and restricted Facets are all design patterns implemented
with proxy objects like these).

The issue of course is speed and resource consumption. With this proxy in
place, B has to be involved in every message between A and C, even if he
doesn't want to, adding at least an extra round trip for every method call.
Worse yet, B has to carefully watch the arguments and return values of all
the methods flying between A and C to see if either end has included a new
RemoteReference to some local object. If so, B has to create a new proxy for
that object too. (this is one of the obligations of a "Membrane", and is a
nuisance that would be nice to avoid).

Finally, one of the design goals of oldpb has been reasonable security: make
it slightly harder to accidentally leak information or authority. To this
end, objects must be declared pb.Referenceable to be remotely callable,
instances must inherit from pb.Copyable to be transferred across the wire,
and RemoteReferences cannot be sent to third parties. oldpb forces you to
make certain designations explicit. For both these reasons (and because it's
just too much of a hassle to implement), oldpb takes the easy way out and
punts, by disallowing third-party references and forcing the user to
implement a proxy if that's what they really want.


In newpb, things are much better. Assuming you make your Tub accessible to
the outside world (by telling it to listen on a port, and by telling it what
hostname+portno it's listening on), each Referenceable you publish gets a
PB-URL, which is then accessible from any other Tub, anywhere. (the return
value from tub.registerReference() is this PB-URL). To "gift" a
RemoteReference to a third party, you simply include the RemoteReference as
an argument in a callRemote (or return it from a remotely-invoked method),
and PB will handle the rest for you. This works by passing a special sequence
that includes the PB-URL of the target object, which the receiving side then
submits to tub.getReference() to obtain their own RemoteReference before
invoking the target method.

If you don't want to pass live references around, you can turn any
RemoteReference into a "SturdyRef" (which is like an object form of a PB-URL)
with rref.getSturdyRef(), and then pass *that*, since SturdyRefs are
pb.Copyable . You can also take a SturdyRef and pass it "live" to a remote
Tub, by doing something like:

 rref.callRemote("introduce", sturdy.asLiveRef())

whereupon the recipient's remote_introduce() method will be invoked with a
live RemoteReference to the target of the sturdyref.

The API is still up in the air, but my plan is for every RemoteReference you
pass over a wire to be given an unguessable PB-URL so that it is eligible for
being sent as a gift to a third-party Tub. (one possibility is that you have
to explicitly publish the ones that you want to be giftable.. there might be
a switch to turn this sort of thing on or off, it's a tradeoff of memory
consumption versus convenience). Another design question has to do with
object lifetime: in the current implementation, when B sends rref(A) to C, B
makes sure to keep it's handle on A alive until C confirms it has acquired
its own. This improves the chances that C will be able to acquire a live
reference, but it also allows a malicious C to force B to keep that rref
alive forever, wasting memory. The alternative is to just tell C to take
their chances, and maybe they'll wind up with a working RemoteReference, and
maybe they'll be unlucky and A will have garbage-collected that object by the
time they finish trying to acquire their own. Distributed garbage collection
is very tricky.

The object-lifetime design issues show up elsewhere too. Should an object,
once it gets sent over the wire (any wire), stay alive forever, just in case
somebody wrote down its URL and might some day come calling for it? Or should
it be allowed to vanish as soon as the last live reference is released? In
the current implementation, anything you submit to tub.registerReference()
will stay alive forever (where "forever" is equal to the lifetime of the
Tub), whereas objects that cross the wire in method invocations get
reference-counted and released when there are no more live references to
them. Correspondingly, objects submitted to tub.registerReference() get
globally-reachable names (PB-URLs), and are therefore eligible for gifting,
whereas objects merely crossing the wire do not (and cannot be gifted). The
latter needs to change, since *all* objects should be giftable, but it's
quite possible that the URL->object table will use weakrefs so that the
giftable/non-giftable distinction can be orthogonal to the
long-lived/ephemeral distinction. Tyler's trying to convince me to let
objects stay alive "forever", get rid of garbage collection and distributed
reference counting, and just use the Tub lifetime to reclaim memory or block
access to old objects. I'm not sure yet, though, it may become a flag you set
on the Tub.

One of the issues with allowing Gifts is that it opens up the possibility
that methods will be invoked out-of-order. In the present implementation, if
you do:

  a.callRemote("introduce", gift_rref_to_B)
  a.callRemote("second", 1, 2, 3)

then remote_second() will probably be invoked *first*, because the potential
call to remote_introduce() is held up waiting for gift_rref_to_B to be turned
into a real RemoteReference (which must wait for connection negotiation,
etc). I'm thinking that this will be changed (by queueing all method
invocations and stalling remote_second until remote_introduce has been
invoked), but I might add a flag that lets you choose between the two
behaviors. Setting the flag one way lets methods be invoked as quickly as
possible, setting it the other way forces them to be called in-order, even if
that adds arbitrarily long delays to deal with Gifts. I might add a flag
which would disable Gifts altogether, since they're a moderately advanced
feature and it might be confusing to have them work so transparently.

Finally, there's the complex issue of what kind of ordering guarantees to
make regarding methods invoked on gifted references. The E documents[3]
describe a situation where you'd like to make certain promises about the
relative ordering of methods invoked (by you) on some reference, versus
methods invoked (on that same reference) by someone else you've just given
that reference to. E (or VatTP, to be precise) suggests a funny kind of proxy
behavior called the WormholeOp[4] to provide these promises. At the moment,
newpb just punts on the issue, and only makes claims about the relative
ordering of messages sent on a *single connection*. If you want to make sure
that messages sent to or from different parties happen in some particular
order, you must wait for the first to complete before allowing the second to
occur. This might be improved in the future (once I understand the issue
better, for starters), but for now newpb's ordering guarantees may not be as
thorough as certain environments might prefer. (I *think* the only practical
consequence is that certain kinds of promise-pipelining optimizations cannot
be made, occasionally increasing the number of round trips, but really I
don't understand enough yet, and neither of the two people on the planet who
*do* understand enough have been able to explain it to me in a way that I can
get my head around).

Also, the proxy object described above (as the only way to accomplish
third-party references in oldpb) is actually quite useful, so newpb will
eventually make it easy and cheap to build them. One pattern is the Revocable
Forwarder, where you want to extend your authority to somebody else, but you
want to be able to cut them off if you change your mind. This is as simple as
an object that does the same sort of "def remote_foo(): return
self.refA.callRemote('foo')" thing as above, but adds an extra method
(exposed in a separate capability) that does 'del self.refA' to turn off all
forwarding at once. Another pattern is the restrictive Facet, which forwards
access to some (but not all) methods. Either of things might add logging,
where the caller doesn't notice anything special, but somebody else gets a
record of each method invoked.

Anyway, I just wanted to do a bit of a braindump on where third-party
references are going in newpb. The summary is that using them is as easy as
you think it ought to be. "make simple things simple", and all that :).


[1]: "Ode to the Granovetter Diagram"
[2]: pretty much everything at http://www.erights.org/
[3]: http://www.erights.org/elib/concurrency/partial-order.html
[4]: http://www.erights.org/elib/distrib/captp/WormholeOp.html

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