[Twisted-Python] Re: XML Parsing Error in tutorial.xhtml

Andrew Bennetts andrew-twisted at puzzling.org
Wed Jan 7 08:17:33 EST 2004

On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 03:52:17PM +0100, Anton Vredegoor wrote:
> By the way, the tutorial uses a finger server as its example but the
> Windows 98SE machines don't have a finger client, not even if using
> Cygwin. I knew about learning curves, but nobody informed me about the
> rocks along the slope :-)

That's a good point... we should probably mention in the tute somewhere that
you can use telnet as a poor mans finger client, for people on operating
systems that aren't blessed with finger(1).  Win98SE does have a telnet
client, I hope?


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