[Twisted-Python] migration from IIS to Twisted

Max Ischenko max at ucmg.com.ua
Thu Oct 30 01:26:28 MST 2003


I have a really big ASP/IIS-based system which I'm trying to (partially) 
rewrite and evolve with python.

I've already wrote some useful code in using Cheetah/WebKit and now I'm 
thinking about the best way to integrate it back into the legacy system.

As my python code depends on WebKit very little and Cheetah is a 
standalone processor that could probably be plugged into Twisted easily 
I'm evaluating the possibility to switch to Twisted.

There is nothing wrong with Webware/WebKit -- it is a great platform, 
but I'd like to make use of some Twisted components, like 
twisted.enterprise.row or twisted.cred.

If I'm to switch to Twisted what could you suggest for IIS-Twisted 

I'm currently thinking about simple Response.Redirect('...') from .asp 
to twisted.web. But I'd also like to share data and session's state 
between the two. For example, to match  twisted.web.server.Session with 
  IIS session. Dunno how this could be done though.

More promising (may be) but surely more complex way would be to write 
some kind of IIS-Twisted adapter that uses COM to talk to VB and 
twisted.spread to talk to Twisted.

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