[Twisted-Python] hardcoded SIZE_LIMIT

Alex Levy mesozoic at polynode.com
Wed Oct 8 05:17:56 EDT 2003

On Wed, 2003-10-08 at 04:40, Christoph Wiedemann wrote:
> i'm trying to use PB for remote procedure calls in the context of numeric
> computations. So far things work really well (Twisted is a real cool piece of
> software!), but now i'm trapped by twisted.spread.banana.SIZE_LIMIT. I need to
> send pretty much data over the network (~512 MB) and tried out to set the
> SIZE_LIMIT to 640 MB. Hmm, still getting the "String too long exception", cause
> the 640 kB are hardcoded in cBanana.c. Any chances to make the limit
> configurable ?

I encountered the same problem; my solution was simply to split strings
into multiple pieces and combine them at the receiving end. (I also used
the gzip module to compress them.) I did all this in getStateToCopy and
setCopyableState, which are documented here:

Alex Levy
WWW: http://mesozoic.geecs.org

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