[Twisted-Python] an easy twisted application question

Phil Christensen phil at bubblehouse.org
Wed Nov 12 13:25:06 EST 2003

so i followed jp's advice, and my makeService method now looks like this:

def makeService(config):
    registry = Registry()
    reg_service = RegistryService(registry)
    portal = Portal(auth.InnerSpaceRealm(reg_service))
    checker = auth.RegistryChecker(registry)
    pb_service = internet.TCPServer(int(config['port']),
    return pb_service

when i try to build my tap file now, i get

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/phil/Python/Twisted/bin/mktap", line 30, in ?
  File "/Users/phil/Python/Twisted/twisted/scripts/mktap.py", line 160, in
  File "/Users/phil/Python/Twisted/twisted/scripts/mktap.py", line 58, in
    ser = mod.makeService(options)
  File "./inner/space/bigbang.py", line 24, in makeService
  File "/Users/phil/Python/Twisted/twisted/application/service.py", line
116, in setServiceParent
AttributeError: TCPServer instance has no attribute 'addService'

i've tried this both ways, with pb_service as the parent, and with
reg_service as the parent, with the same result.

btw, i am working out of a freshly checked-out cvs directory, but i doubt
that matters.

thanks again for any help,

>   Newly written programs should implement makeService() instead of
> updateApplication().  As a bonus, purely service-based programs can easily
> and cleanly do things like the above:
>     from twisted.application import service
>     class RegistryService(service.Service):
>         def __init__(self):
>             self.registry = registry.Registry()
>     def makeService(config):
>         s = RegistryService()
>         ...
>         anotherS = SomeotherService()
>         anotherS.setServiceParent(s)  # Or s.setServiceParent(anotherS)
>         ...
>         return s # or return anotherS
>   `s' can be the parent service of other services, in which case it can be
> accessed simply by looking up the parent service, or it could be a child
> service of something else, in which case it would be accessed via a call
> to getServiceNamed() on the appropriate parent.

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