[Twisted-Python] Serving files, again

Mario Ruggier mario at ruggier.org
Tue Feb 25 16:48:31 MST 2003


i had hacked the rpy below, to serve files (those specified by the left  
over part of the url,
and rooted on a hard-wired rootdir on the system) following the  
suggestions of
this list, picking from the example bits, and salvaging whatever ideas  
I can
from the docs. However the mental model i'd like to form is still very  

After Clark's post from yesterday, I tried to redo this in the "proper"  
i.e. using putChild. However, the best i could get was
"Request did not return a string", when trying putChild and getChild
as the content of the render() method below (with isLeaf=0).

Would anyone be able to clarify what the render() method should be
such that the url  http://host/docs/some/file.txt will return the file
at system location of: /Path/To/Somewhere/some/file.txt ?

Oh, and in general, how does one turn off directory browsing
for a twisted.web server?

Thanks, mario

# docs.rpy

from twisted.protocols import http
from twisted.web import resource, error
import os


docsBase = '/Path/To/Somewhere'
serveFileTypes = ['','.txt','.pdf','.gif']


class RestrictedResource(resource.Resource):

     def isLeaf(self):
         return 1

     def render(self, request):

         # a few var used in blocks below
         subPath = '/'.join(request.postpath)
         fullPath = docsBase +'/'+ subPath
         rootPath = '/docs/'+subPath
         if not len(subPath):
             rootPath = '/docs'+subPath # otherwise get double slash  
(when postpath is zero length)
         dirlist = []

         # build list or return file
             if not os.path.exists(fullPath):
                 raise Exception # of type...
             elif os.path.isdir(fullPath):
                 dirlist = processDirlist(os.listdir(fullPath))
             elif os.path.isfile(fullPath):
                 import mimetypes
                 mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(fullPath)[0]
                 if not mimetype:
                     mimetype = 'text/plain' # fallback
                 request.setHeader("content-type", mimetype)
                     f = open(fullPath)
                     return f.read()
                 raise Exception # of type..
             errpage = error.ErrorPage(http.NOT_FOUND,"Not  
             return errpage.render(request)

         # response string
         s = '<ul>'
         for file in dirlist:
             s += '<li><a href="%s">%s</li>' % ( rootPath+'/'+file, file  
         s += '</ul>'
         title = 'Directory listing for ' + rootPath
html>''' % (title,title,s)


resource = RestrictedResource()


def processDirlist(dirlist):
     dl = []
     for filename in dirlist:
         (name, suffix) = os.path.splitext(filename)
         if suffix in serveFileTypes:
     return dl


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