[Twisted-Python] Re: In Defense of Taps

William Dode wilk-ml at flibuste.net
Wed Feb 12 10:20:03 MST 2003

Moshe Zadka <m at moshez.org> writes:

> On 12 Feb 2003, William Dode <wilk-ml at flibuste.net> wrote:
> > first, use it like classic internet web server (to replace python cgi).
> > For this, if we use .rpy and tap, it's easy.
> Well, most of it should be documented in using-twistedweb.html

yes, but like said before, it's not easy in the begin to know why woven
is in the midle. I've read peoples thinking twisted is a template engine !
A good separation between framework engine and library tools would be fine.

> > second, use it for web intranet : it must work on windows. The possibility to
> > embed it in a .exe is fine. Just that it could be good to can take out
> > what we don't use (tk for example).
> I don't understand this: are you trying to get random hosts to be web
> servers? Do you need every windows computer to serve HTTP? Or is it
> something else?

hmmm... my poor english !!!
No, i just develop classic application with web interface.

> Also, how is .exe better than a real installer?

Just that it's more easy for the user, he unzip the 800ko in a
directory and click on the .exe
If i could take out what i don't need of twisted, i'm sure i can cut it
be 3... 
On windows, people are often afraid of installers...
Sure i will not do like that on debian system !

> In a former job, I wrote a Windows installer which basically took existing
> installers and ran them in order. It was about a 15 minutes hack.
> If you can make this work, just generate one containing a Python installation,
> a Twisted installation and your own app installation.

Yes, but it's a lot bigger.
But it's not a big problem, just that i would like to use the same
framework for very little things and biggers...

William Dodé - http://flibuste.net

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