[Twisted-Python] Re: using auth over SSL with PB.

Simon Hookway simon at obsidian.com.au
Mon Feb 3 00:57:50 MST 2003

Hi all,

I couldn't find any docs on using pb connections over SSL, so i played
around with using getObjectAtSSL and then using the logIn but can't seem
to get it working. tcpdump shows the connection initiating but nothing
happens after the initial packets.

Here is the bit of code i was using:

from twisted.spread import pb
from twisted.internet import defer,ssl

def connectSSL(host, port, username, password, serviceName,
               perspectiveName=None, client=None, timeout=None):
    d = defer.Deferred()   
    pb.getObjectAtSSL(host, port, ssl.ClientContextFactory(),
        pb._connGotRoot, d.errback, 
        callbackArgs=[d, client, serviceName,
                      username, password, perspectiveName])
    return d

Of course, i also edited getObjectAtSSL to include the ctx and pass it 
to the reactor.connectSSL


Simon Hookway <simon at obsidian.com.au>
Obsidian Consulting
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