[Twisted-Python] hacking on flow

Philippe Lafoucrière lafou at wanadoo.fr
Thu Apr 10 01:04:59 MDT 2003

Hello Clarck

Your post is in a wrong thread...

BTW, how do you test this ? It seems to be good (well written), but I'm
not sure to exactly understand what you wanted to do.

If I sum up (from my point of view) :

Callable  : may be a function bloc that run only once
Iteration : may be a function bloc that loop on something (like a
and Yield : hum, what's the point of Yield ?

Anyway, this version if different from the one on your website.

On Thu, 2003-04-10 at 07:33, Clark C. Evans wrote:
> work in progress on my understanding of extrepum's flow... not
> in anyway near perfect
> -------------
> ''' Flow -- async data flows
>     This is a flow module which is used for async data flows, 
>     in particularly those coming from databases where blocking
>     behavior is common.   Implementations will typically use
>     generators (or anything implementing the iterator protocol)
>     for each stage of the flow.
>     Basically, communication within the data flow is carried
>     out using the yield statement.  Besides using 'return' 
>     or throwing a StopIteration exception, there are several
>     items which yield can return:
>        flow.Yield      This (singleton) value should be returned when an
>                        operation would block, it gives other micro-threads
>                        a chance to do their work.
>        flow.Callable   A callable object should be returned when a function
>                        should be executed.  This adds another stage to the
>                        flow. These objects have a 'result' attribute which 
>                        is filled in with the output of the function, or a 
>                        subclass of failure.Failure for exceptions.
>        flow.Iteration  An iterable object, that is, a generator, or array,
>                        or class which implements both next() and __iter__.
>                        These objects, like Callable, have a 'result' 
>                        attribute, but also have a stop attribute which
>                        is true when StopIteration has been thrown.
>        <anything>      Any other return value
> '''
> from twisted.python import failure
> from twisted.python.compat import StopIteration, iter
> class FlowItem:
>     ''' Base class of all flow objects '''
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.result = None
> Yield = FlowItem()  # A special flow item which signals a block
> class Iteration(FlowItem):
>     ''' An iteration object
>         Used for objects which implement __iter__ and next
>         and can be called more than once maintaining state.
>     '''
>     def __init__(self, iterable):
>         FlowItem.__init__(self)
>         self.next    = iter(iterable).next
>         self.stop    = 0
>     def __call__(self):
>         try:
>             self.result = self.next()
>         except StopIteration:
>             self.stop = 1
>             self.result = None
>         except:
>             self.stop = 1
>             self.result = failure.Failure()
>         return self.result
> class Callable(FlowItem):
>     ''' A callable, where the function value is returned '''
>     def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
>         FlowItem.__init__(self)
>         self.args   = args
>         self.kwargs = kwargs
>         self.func   = func
>     def __call__(self):
>         try:
>             self.result = apply(self.func, self.args, self.kwargs)
>         except:
>             self.result = failure.Failure()
>         return self.result
> class Controller(Iteration):
>       ''' An iteration object that remains on the stack
>           When a Callable or an Iteration return a FlowItem
>           other than Yield, then they are normally replaced
>           by the returned value, so that it's value is returned
>           to the Callable's caller.  In the case of a Controller,
>           this replacement behavior isn't performed.
>       '''
>       pass
> class Flow(object):
>     ''' an flow, call next() until the iterator raises StopIteration '''
>     def __init__(self, controller):
>         self._stack = [controller]
>     def __iter__(self): return self
>     def next(self):
>         while self._stack:
>             head = self._stack.pop()
>             result = head()
>             if isinstance(result, FlowItem):
>                 if result is Yield: 
>                     self._stack.append(head)
>                     return 1
>                 if isinstance(head, Controller):
>                     self._stack.append(head)
>                 self._stack.append(result)
>         raise StopIteration
> class DeferredFlow(object):
>     pass
>     # basically, create a Flow, loop on Flow.next()
>     # for each item in the loop, do a reactor.callLater(0, next)
>     # return the very last value or error via a Deferred
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Philippe Lafoucrière <lafou at wanadoo.fr>

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