[Twisted-Python] ReconnectingClientFactory & stopFactory

Itamar Shtull-Trauring twisted at itamarst.org
Sun Sep 1 22:00:17 MDT 2002

Andrew Bennetts wrote:

> The problem appears to be that BaseConnector (in
> twisted.internet.default) will always call stopFactory from
> connectionLost/connectionFailed if it's state is 'disconnected', even if
> it is between retries, because the connector knows nothing of the retry
> logic in the Factory.

It calls *doStop*, not stopFactory. So if you want to change when 
stopFactory is called, just override the factory's doStop wuith your own 

Itamar Shtull-Trauring    http://itamarst.org/
Available for Python, Twisted, Zope and Java consulting

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