[Twisted-Python] Installing 0.99.4 on Windows

Paul Baranowski paul at paulbaranowski.org
Sat Oct 19 10:30:11 MDT 2002

I ran into some snags installing version 0.99.4 on windows by following
the installation instructions given online.

Here's what I had to do.  Perhaps the instructions given below can be
used to modify the installation section on the web page.

- Run the Windows installer.

- Make sure python.exe is in your path, if not, add it (for me, it was 
"C:\Program Files\Python2.2.1")

- Add "<Path_to_Python_Directory>\Scripts" to your path.  (For me, it
was "C:\Program Files\Python2.2.1\Scripts".

- Modify the Scripts\mktap.bat file (and all the twisted .bat files) so
that it reads:
@echo off
if NOT "%_4ver%" == "" PYTHON.EXE -c "from twisted.scripts.mktap import
run; run()" %$
if     "%_4ver%" == "" PYTHON.EXE -c "from twisted.scripts.mktap import
run; run()" %*

(What I changed: I basically took out the "C:\Program
Files\Python2.2\Python.exe" and replaced it with "Python.exe" - since
python is in our path at this point, we don't need an absolute path to
it, and the absolute path will only cause problems with people who have
different directory names - for example, I have python2.2.1.)

Here's the full list of files that need to be changed:

- Note for cygwin users: you must add ".bat" to the command names given
in the documentation.  For example, if it tells you to run mktap, type
mktap.bat instead.

Paul Baranowski

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