[Twisted-Python] containership for row objects and networked observation

Sean Riley sean at ninjaneering.com
Fri Oct 4 12:49:23 MDT 2002

ramblings about formalizing containment for rowObjects and networked
observation...  this paraphases some of my existing application code that
seems like it could be generalized.

if we know that childRow has a relationship to parentRow where
childRow.parent_id is an p_id of a parentRow, when a child is added to
parent with:


this could autmatically set the parent_id of the childRow to the p_id of the
parentRow and add the child to a list of children for the parent. This would
make the childRow dirty so that it will be updated to the database.

this assumes that RowObjects have a childRows list to add children to.

should this be part of Enterprise Row Objects, or some other part of
twisted? does it belong in twisted at all? imagine this with error

class Container:
	def __init__(self):
		self.container = []

	def addToContainer(self, obj):
		"""add an object to the container

	def removeFromContainer(self, obj):
		"""remove an object from the container

	def getContainedOfType(self, classType):
		"""returns all contained objects of the specified type
		out = []
		for item in self.container:
		if isinstance(item, classType) or
			issubclass(item.__class__, classType):
		return out

I have a containment system that is similar to this but adds observation of

class ObservableContainer(Container):
	def __init__(self):
		self.observers = []

	def addToContainer(self, obj):
		"""add an object to the container
		Container.addToContainer(self, obj)
		for o in self.observers:
			o.callRemote('addToContainer', obj)

	def removeFromContainer(self, obj):
		"""remove an object from the container
		Container.removeFromContainer(self, obj)
		for o in self.observers:
			o.callRemote('removeFromContainer', obj)

	def observe_addToContainer(self, obj):

	def observe_removeFromContainer(self, obj):

Then... making RowObjects observableContainers:

class RowObject(ObservableContainer):

	def addToContainer(self, row):
		"""assumes a rowObject is being added...
		## TODO: set the foreign key columns on
		##       the row being added

this is a powerful combination of observation and containment. it can be
extended with client side UI objects that are observers of the client-side
rowObjects so that changes can be propogated automatically across the
network and into the UI.

class ClientObject(ObservableContainer):
	def addToContainer(self, obj):
 		for o in self.observers:
			## Dirty UI observers
		Container.addToContiner(self, obj)

	def removeFromContainer(self, obj):
		for o in self.observers:
			## Dirty UI observers
		Container.removeFromContainer(self, obj)

so... when a child row is added to a parent row object on the server, the
observing client object is notified, and the observing UI element is dirtied
so that the UI can be redrawn with the new object being visible.
additionaly, the child row object has it's foreign key attributes updated
automatically and is ready to be updated to the database.

if you add the capability for RowObject derived classes to be pb.Cacheables
as well, changes other than containment then use a very similar mechanism:

class MyRoomClass(RowObject, pb.Cachable):

	def setColor(self, color):
		self.color = color
		for o in self.observers:
			o.callRemote("setColor", color)

class RemoteRoom(ClientObject):
	def observe_setColor(self, color):
		self.color = color
		for o in self.observers:
			### dirty UI observers

this starts become to a generalized application framework that could be
applied to many types of applications.. chat servers that contain chat
groups that contain chat members, virtual worlds with world areas that
contain buildings that contain chests that contain items...

i guess the question is.. is this type containment/observation type
functionality general enough (and useful enough) to be part of twisted?

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